Sunday, November 9, 2008

UPDATE: AGO says NO Galleria Parkway - Ashton Park Wall at taxpayer expense

Do you have a comment?

Nov 4, 2008: Attorney General comes to the aid of Madison County Tax Payers saying the County cannot build Ashton Park Wall.


I STRONGLY AGREE that the Ashton Park landscaped area/wall should be built immediately and paid for by the PID Board/developers. It is a travesty, and insult, to the residents of Ashton Park that it hasn't already been constructed!

Before construction of Galleria Parkway was started the PID Board and developers were supposed to have coordinated a plan for a landscaped 50' buffer area between the proposed parkway and Ashton Park. This area should have been developed as planned and agreed to as the parkway construction began.

Instead, the developers sold some of the right-of-way to install a Nissan water line, and the proceeds didn't go to the development of the promised landscaped area.

Now the taxpayers of Madison County are being fleeced with another un-programmed and un-budgeted, and possibly illegal/improper, expense that is estimated to run at least $400,000! Instead, this expense should be paid for by the Parkway Public Improvement (PID) Board.

This entire project should be carefully reviewed by the State Attorney General, the State Auditor and the State Ethics Commission.

Click here to see more in depth discussion of recommendation and White Paper.

WMGO 1370AM CANTON, MS - Jerry Lousteau Morning News , Wednesday, April 16, 2008

WMGO 1370 Canton, MS

Madison County Journal Editorial - Ashton Park Wall Excessive; April 17, 2008

Madison County Journal - Letter to the Editor - Use taxpayers' money wisely, reader says; April 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Make Madison County Roads Safer...

I get tons of complaints about speeding on County roads and neighborhood streets. However, Sheriff Toby Trobridge and his deputies have to fight the battle to keep us safe without the use of radar. We are a highly urbanized county with neighborhoods that are exactly like those in the cities where the police have the tools to keep the citizens safe.
Help prevent future potential "thrill hill" accidents... If you would like to involve your neighborhood in a campaign to obtain this capability for our Sheriff's Department, I've created a document with contact info and maps so you know who your State Representative and Senator are.
It is complex since we have 8 members of the State Legislature and 4 members of the Senate representing the interest of Madison County citizens at the State Capitol. Sadly, few know who our State Representatives and Senators are.
Take a moment and let them know that you are interested in what they are doing to help make you and your family safer by providing radar to our local sheriff.

Representative Mark Baker (R) Dist 74