Thursday, August 16, 2007

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online: "What does it mean to be a county supervisor?
Jimmy Smith/My Word/for the Times-Standard
Article Launched: 05/27/2008 01:24:21 AM PDT

On occasion, I am asked, “What does a county supervisor do?”

Here are some things I believe:

  • Being a supervisor means making decisions based on the best information available.
  • It means projecting budgets based on worst-case experiences, while still trying to protect basic services and staff.
  • It means understanding the needs of businesses and health care.
  • It means determining how to successfully compete for limited bond money.
  • It means fighting to keep water in our streams.
  • It means working with chambers, industry leaders and community groups.
  • It means listening to our council members and city officials so we understand common needs and goals.
  • It means understanding the importance of the special districts that provide the water we drink and maintaining the waste treatment systems we silently depend on.
  • It means sharing resources to insure that fire departments and law enforcement can be there for everyone.
  • It means recognizing how essential our volunteer groups are and providing support for them: The Library Foundation, CASA, Cancer Society, Easter Seals, volunteer police patrols, Soroptimists, Making Headway, the coaches and PTA members, school officials and many others that make this community special.
  • It means listening to the people and doing your best to understand their concerns and resolving problems that arise.
  • It means growing, learning and trying your best to avoid being opinionated.
  • Most of all, it means working for and beside the people who have entrusted you with a great responsibility.

Jimmy Smith is a candidate for re-election as Humboldt County supervisor for the 1st District. He lives in Eureka."

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