Thursday, August 16, 2007

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online: "What does it mean to be a county supervisor?
Jimmy Smith/My Word/for the Times-Standard
Article Launched: 05/27/2008 01:24:21 AM PDT

On occasion, I am asked, “What does a county supervisor do?”

Here are some things I believe:

  • Being a supervisor means making decisions based on the best information available.
  • It means projecting budgets based on worst-case experiences, while still trying to protect basic services and staff.
  • It means understanding the needs of businesses and health care.
  • It means determining how to successfully compete for limited bond money.
  • It means fighting to keep water in our streams.
  • It means working with chambers, industry leaders and community groups.
  • It means listening to our council members and city officials so we understand common needs and goals.
  • It means understanding the importance of the special districts that provide the water we drink and maintaining the waste treatment systems we silently depend on.
  • It means sharing resources to insure that fire departments and law enforcement can be there for everyone.
  • It means recognizing how essential our volunteer groups are and providing support for them: The Library Foundation, CASA, Cancer Society, Easter Seals, volunteer police patrols, Soroptimists, Making Headway, the coaches and PTA members, school officials and many others that make this community special.
  • It means listening to the people and doing your best to understand their concerns and resolving problems that arise.
  • It means growing, learning and trying your best to avoid being opinionated.
  • Most of all, it means working for and beside the people who have entrusted you with a great responsibility.

Jimmy Smith is a candidate for re-election as Humboldt County supervisor for the 1st District. He lives in Eureka."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Register to Vote! VOTE! VOTE!

If you recently moved,
are about to turn 18 (can register while 17, but must be 18 to vote),
or have never registered to vote,
we would like to help you complete the registration process.
It is very easy to become a registered voter.
Click on the link below and download the registration form.

Download mail-in Register to Vote application form
Mail Completed form to:
Lee Westbrook
Circuit Clerk Madison County
P.O. Drawer 1626
Canton, MS 39046

Contact the Circuit Clerk's office for additional information (601-859-4365 or 601-352-2049)


  • Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2011
  • General Election, November, 2011
Address Library; list of voting info based on your street/address

Polling Place Locator

County Voting Precinct Map