Monday, March 16, 2009

Madison County Flood Map Revision

Madison County, MS 03/16/09
Flood risk maps appeal deadline

Posted: March 16, 2009 05:22 PM

Updated: March 16, 2009 07:53 PM

By David Kenney - bio | email

MADISON COUNTY, MS (WLBT) - Some Madison county homeowners could face big bills protecting their homes from floods in the future.

New flood risk maps for the county are placing homes in a flood area, when they never were before.

Residents in those areas could be forced to buy flood insurance by F.E.M.A..

Harvey Crossing Homeowners Association President Frank Halford is racing against the clock to get his subdivision exempt from the recently flood risk maps.

A large portion of the neighborhood is for the first time listed in a flood area, which would mean mandatory flood insurance for residents.

"They could find themselves all of a sudden be paying $100.00 a month extra for flood insurance they probably don't need," says Halford.

Halford is working with Harvey Crossing developers to provide F.E.M.A. with information proving all the homes sit above the flood plain.

He and other residents have until April 22nd to appeal the new flood maps.

Across the county residents are being urged to challenge their flood risk.

If they don't or can't they'll have to pay flood insurance, which they can save a great deal on if they get it before the April deadline.

"On a $200,000.00 house with $80,000.00 in coverage it could be around $326.00 a year if they get it today before the maps go into effect if they have it then they're grandfathered when the maps go into effect and they will be able to get it at about half of the $2,000.00," says District 3 Supervisor D.I. Smith.

Homebuyers are also being urged to inquire about the new flood risk.

The added flood insurance could drastically increase house payments depending on where people live.

One good thing about the new maps.

Some residents have been removed from flood areas, which will mean a savings for them.

"Based on what I've been told by the engineers, we should be able to overcome this."

Madison county residents are being urged to contact their city flood plain manager, or the county planning and zoning department, to find out if their home will be affected.

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