Monday, December 10, 2007

Important Madison County Supervisor Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities

What is a SUPERVISOR? What does a SUPERVISOR DO? Click here to see The Powers and Duties of a SUPERVISOR.

Madison County Web Site

There are a number of issues and hard decisions that must be made as we move forward in Madison County. I welcome your input on all county matters. Please feel free to post any inquiries, comments or suggestions. Please complete POLL Questions in the column to the right!


Balancing requirements and resources for New Construction, i.e. Reunion Parkway and I-55 Interchange...

...With Maintenance & Repair:
Existing Roads

Please help by providing your ideas and opinions on priorities for Madison County. PLEASE ADD YOUR COMMENTS, IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS:

MAKE YOUR OPINION KNOWN: please go to the Madison County Forum to provide comments, suggestions and recommendations:

District 3, Madison County

Visit this group

Or simply click "comments" below....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

D.I.'s Biography

D.I. Smith
Colonel, U.S. Army-Ret

Colonel D.I. Smith, USA-Ret., served in the United States Army for thirty years in a variety of leadership and staff positions. During his tenure in the U.S. Army, his duties included personnel and administrative management, training and operations, financial management, resource management, and research and development. He has over 6 years command experience in Field Artillery and Aviation including combat in Vietnam and during Operation JUST CAUSE, the highly successful military operation to remove Manuel Noriega, the tyrannical dictator of the Republic of Panama. He completed his military career serving a 3-year tour as Inspector General, Mississippi National Guard. During his career in the Army, he received numerous awards and decorations including the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, and the Air Medal. He has also earned Master Army Aviator wings, Senior Parachutist badge, and the coveted black and gold RANGER tab.

After completing his service to our country he has served as Chief Operations Officer of a new start up wireless technology company; and is currently serving the residents of the beautiful and unique Dinsmor subdivision, Ridgeland, MS, as the On-Site Property Manager.

He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, The U.S. Army War College, and has a B.S. degree in Business from the University of Southern Mississippi and an MBA from Troy State University.

He is a member of Military Officers Association of America, Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, Army Aviation Association of America, Association of the U.S. Army, the Army War College Alumni Association, the American Legion, the Jackson Metro Cyclists, the Jackson Triathlon Club, and the Mississippi Track Club. He has also done extensive research, writing and speaking about programs affecting the military.

D. I. and his wife, Linda, are members of Highland Colony Baptist Church, Ridgeland, MS; where DI also serves as a Deacon.

He and Linda are originally from Sidon, MS, and currently reside in Ridgeland; and they have two daughters and six grandchildren.

Click here for printable copy!
Additional Military Service related information at Fly Army
82nd Airborne Division Video
Backhawks - Walking in The Air
Army Year in Photos -- 2008

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online

What does it mean to be a county supervisor? - Times-Standard Online: "What does it mean to be a county supervisor?
Jimmy Smith/My Word/for the Times-Standard
Article Launched: 05/27/2008 01:24:21 AM PDT

On occasion, I am asked, “What does a county supervisor do?”

Here are some things I believe:

  • Being a supervisor means making decisions based on the best information available.
  • It means projecting budgets based on worst-case experiences, while still trying to protect basic services and staff.
  • It means understanding the needs of businesses and health care.
  • It means determining how to successfully compete for limited bond money.
  • It means fighting to keep water in our streams.
  • It means working with chambers, industry leaders and community groups.
  • It means listening to our council members and city officials so we understand common needs and goals.
  • It means understanding the importance of the special districts that provide the water we drink and maintaining the waste treatment systems we silently depend on.
  • It means sharing resources to insure that fire departments and law enforcement can be there for everyone.
  • It means recognizing how essential our volunteer groups are and providing support for them: The Library Foundation, CASA, Cancer Society, Easter Seals, volunteer police patrols, Soroptimists, Making Headway, the coaches and PTA members, school officials and many others that make this community special.
  • It means listening to the people and doing your best to understand their concerns and resolving problems that arise.
  • It means growing, learning and trying your best to avoid being opinionated.
  • Most of all, it means working for and beside the people who have entrusted you with a great responsibility.

Jimmy Smith is a candidate for re-election as Humboldt County supervisor for the 1st District. He lives in Eureka."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Register to Vote! VOTE! VOTE!

If you recently moved,
are about to turn 18 (can register while 17, but must be 18 to vote),
or have never registered to vote,
we would like to help you complete the registration process.
It is very easy to become a registered voter.
Click on the link below and download the registration form.

Download mail-in Register to Vote application form
Mail Completed form to:
Lee Westbrook
Circuit Clerk Madison County
P.O. Drawer 1626
Canton, MS 39046

Contact the Circuit Clerk's office for additional information (601-859-4365 or 601-352-2049)


  • Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2011
  • General Election, November, 2011
Address Library; list of voting info based on your street/address

Polling Place Locator

County Voting Precinct Map

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

National, State, and Local Political News/Blogs:

See side bar links to recent local newspaper articles... Also "comments" section below...

National, State, and Local Political News/Blogs:

Madison County Republican Women:
To open file, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader click here to download it at no charge from the Adobe website.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Madison County Herald - The Next Supervisor

Article published in the Madison County Herald, Tuesday, March 27, 2007, written by Lucy Weber; photo by Will Smith.


D.I. Smith recalls the lessons he learned growing up in the Delta town of Sidon and watching his father, a Leflore County supervisor for eight years.
Probably one of the earliest lessons in ethics Smith said he ever received came on his family's farm when there was a bulldozer just sitting there. A local dealer had brought it out for his father to try.
"I asked my father 'Why aren't you using it?' He said, 'It's not right for me to be getting the benefit of it,'" Smith recalls his father saying. "'They brought it so I'd be indebted.'"
Now, decades later, Smith wants to follow the tradition of his father and his grandfather, also a Leflore supervisor. "I hope I can measure up to their standards," he said.

Madison County Supervisor Website Survey